Tuesday, 27 May 2014

PamTen Takes Corporate Social Responsibility to Heart

The active participation in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has grown since the 1960’s, becoming a standard in most company business plans. There are many reasons that companies create and build a CSR program into their business model. I cannot talk to their reasons. But I can tell you about our reasons, and why Sofkin is such a big part of PamTen’s life.

Our core values at PamTen are based on service. That service includes our clients, where we are committed to provide thorough, reliable, and honest work on their requirements which will elevate their business. That service includes our employees, to whom we will share a challenging, rewarding, and innovative journey which will inspire and elevate their knowledge and abilities. And above all, that service to making a positive difference in the lives of orphaned and destitute children in India through our sister organization, SOFKIN.

SOFKIN (Support Organization For Kids In Need), founded by Chaya Pamula, President and CEO of PamTen, is a non-profit organization registered in New Jersey and India. It supports orphan and destitute children, providing a safe home filled with love, caring and guidance. The mission is simple:

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Successful and Useful Apps Require Detailed Planning & Strategy

Some have thought that the trend for mobile app proliferation was just a fad.  But, as with many fads, in a world that's increasingly social and open, mobile apps are becoming more vital than just a game or a passing fancy. The phrase “There’s an app for that” is becoming more real every day.

In the mobile space, you often hear terms like 'Native App', 'Web App', and ‘Hybrid App'.  Today’s modern Smartphone’s come with powerful web browsers allowing  pretty much anything you can do similar to a browser on the desktop computer. 

In today's world when people talk about apps, it is almost implicit that they are referring to programs that run on mobile devices, such as Smartphone’s or Tablet Computers. Nowadays there seems to be an app for everything, whether it’s checking up on breaking news, chatting with friends via social networking or even booking last minute holiday trips; there’s an app out there to address every need.

Most applications work alone, and some integrate with tools in other media. For example, a website may be integrating with a variety of apps on mobile devices, allowing smooth communication between the devices and the website itself, allowing the user to sync data using the Internet and cloud computing technologies.

see more at: http://www.pamten.com/making-sure-your-app-apropos

Hiring an Employee, Whether Contract or Permanent

You have a position to fill in your company. The employee that is leaving has been with you for a long time and been a key asset in his area. Or perhaps it’s a project position for an important implementation that is going to require interaction with a wide variety of current staff and management. Finding the right person to fit your job requirement takes time, patience, energy, resources and fortitude. However, none of these traits are in great supply at your company right now as you scramble to get someone in that spot.

Hiring an employee, whether contract or permanent, is more than just getting a body to fill a space. It’s also more than a check list of desired skills and degrees. It is about a relationship that will benefit both parties – the employee and the company.
- See more at: http://www.pamten.com/finding-right-fit